arXiv is an open source repository of electronic pre-prints of mainly scientific papers in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, and quantitative finance, which can be accessed online.
Although arXiv is not peer-reviewed, there are a list of moderators in each area who review and may sometimes re-categorize articles to allow for easy access. Most articles submitted to arXiv end up published in other journals.
Some renowned professors and researchers use solely arXiv to publish their works as a boycott to what they call money-making journals.
Open source journals also referred to as open access are increasingly being debated and the European Commission has taken a step further by demanding all researchers receiving EU funds to make available their research results on internet. These are initial steps towards a future of open access to all research articles.
How to submit to arXiv without stress:
1. Create an account.
2. Choose minimal rights i.e. first button (you can read about it).
3. Consider submitting as (La)Tex.
4. Agree to the policies. :)
5. Upload appropriate files including special macros or environment. Note that, you can also submit the whole ZIP or TAR.GZ file.
6. arXiv uses .BBL instead of .BIB. -->all bibtex should be converted to bbl.
7. Fill in appropriately with abstract, co-authors, local report (if available).
8. Preview and Submit.
Note: If document size is huge, consider converting all figures to PDF by running the following code a). for i in *eps; do ps2pdf -DEPSCrop $i; done b). sed -i 's/\.eps}/}/g' *tex Thereafter, you should add \pdfoutput=1 to the top of your Tex file to force the system to use PDFLaTeX.