Refereed Journals/Proceedings
- U. Langer and S. E. Moore (2016) - Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis of Elliptic PDEs on Surfaces In: Dickopf T., Gander M., Halpern L., Krause R., Pavarino L. (eds) Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXII. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 104. Springer, Cham.
- B. Jüttler, U. Langer, A. Mantzaflaris, S. E. Moore and W. Zulehner (2014) - Geometry + Simulation Modules: Implementing Isogeometric Analysis. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14: 961-962.
- U. Langer, A. Mantzaflaris, S. E. Moore and I. Toulopoulos (2014) - Multipatch Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis In: Jüttler B., Simeon B. (eds) Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2014. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol 107. Springer, Cham.
- U. Langer, A. Mantzaflaris, S. E. Moore and I. Toulopoulos (2015) - Mesh Grading in Isogeometric Analysis Computers & Mathematics with Applications Vol 70, Issue 7, Pg 1685-1700.
- U. Langer, S. E. Moore and M. Neumüller (2016) - Space-Time Isogeometric Analysis of Parabolic Evolution Problems Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 306, Pg 342-363.
- S. E. Moore (2018) - A Stable Space-Time Finite Element Method for Parabolic Evolution Problems Calcolo 55:18. [in memory of Prof. Allotey]
- S. E. Moore (2018) - Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis for The Biharmonic Equation Computers & Mathematics with Applications Vol 76, Issue 4, Pg 673-685.
- E. R. Ijioma and S. E. Moore (2018) - Multiscale Galerkin Approach to a System of Quasilinear Parabolic Equations Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Vol 468, Issue 2, Pg 1043-1065
- S. E. Moore (2019) - Space-Time MultiPatch Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis for Parabolic Evolution Problems SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2019, Vol. 57, No. 3 : pp. 1471-1493
- S. E. Moore (2020) - Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis for Elliptic Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients on Surfaces Numer Algor.
- J. K. K. Asamoah, Z. Jin, G-Q. Sun, B. Seidu, E. Yankson, A. Abidemi, F. T. Oduro, S. E. Moore, E. Okyere (2021)
Sensitivity assessment and optimal economic evaluation of a new COVID-19 compartmental epidemic model with control interventions Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, - S. O. Akindeinde, E. Okyere, A. O. Adewumi, R. S. Lebelo, O. O. Fabelurin, S. E. Moore (2021). Caputo Fractional-order SEIRP model for COVID-19 epidemic. Alexandria Engineering.
- S. E. Moore and E. Okyere (2022) - Controlling the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19,Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2022, 2022:6
- J. K. K. Asamoah, E. Okyere, A. Abidemi, S. E. Moore, G.-Q. Sun, Z. Jin, E. Acheampong, J. F. Gordon (2022) Optimal control and comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis for COVID-19, Results in Physics, vol., 33
- S. E. Moore, H. L. Nyandjo-Bamen, O. Menoukeu-Pamen, J. K. K. Asamoah and Z. Jin (2022) Global stability dynamics and sensitivity assessment of COVID-19 with timely-delayed diagnosis in Ghana Comput. Math. Biophys. 2022; 10:87–104
T. Kwofie, M. Dogbatsey, S. E. Moore (2023) - Curtailing crime dynamics: A mathematical approach, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 8, 1086745
F. Kumi, P. B. Obour, E. Arthur, S. E. Moore et. al. (2023) - Quantifying root-induced soil strength, measured as soil penetration resistance, from different crop plants and soil types. Soil and Tillage Research, vol. 233, 05811
B. S. Lassong, M Dasumani, J. K. Mung’atu, S. E. Moore (2024). Power and Mittag–Leffler laws for examining the dynamics of fractional unemployment model: A comparative analysis Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: vol. 13, 100117
W. Okongo, J. O. Abonyo, D. Kioi, S. E. Moore, S. N. Aguegboh (2024). Mathematical modeling and optimal control analysis of Monkeypox virus in contaminated environment. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 10(3), 3969-3994
W. Okongo, J. O. Abonyo, D. Kioi, S. E. Moore, S. N. Aguegboh (2024). Determining the effect of contaminated environment and direct transmission on the dynamics of monkeypox virus. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci. 2024, Article ID 43
W. Okongo, J. O. Abonyo, D. Kioi, S. E. Moore, S. N. Aguegboh (2024). Transmission Dynamics of Monkeypox Virus With Age‐Structured Human Population: A Mathematical Modeling Approach. Journal of Applied Mathematics 2024 (1), 9173910
M. Dasumani, B. S. Lassong, A. Akgül, S. Osman, S. E. Moore (2024). Analyzing the dynamics of human papillomavirus transmission via fractal and fractional dimensions under Mittag-Leffler Law. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1-25
M. Dasumani, S. E. Moore, D. K. Gathungu, B. Diallo (2024). A nonlinear fractional fishery resource system model with Crowley–Martin functional response under Mittag–Leffler kernel. Results in Control and Optimization 16
I. C. H. Fung, G. Chowell, G. A. Botchway, J. Kersey, J. Komesuor, K. O. Kwok, S. E. Moore, S. K. Ofori, F. Baiden (2024). Bridging the gap: Empirical contact matrix data is needed for modelling the transmission of respiratory infections in West Africa. Trop Med Int Health. 2024.
S. E. Moore (2018) - Discontinuous Galerkin Isogeometric Analysis for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems (submitted, 2018).
E. R. Ijioma and S. E. Moore (2019) - A Priori Error Estimate for an Upscaled system of Quasilinear Parabolic Equations.
Ijioma, E. R. and Moore, S. E. (2019) - Spatiotemporal dynamics of within-host virus infection model with density-dependent diffusion.
S. E. Moore (2020). Multipatch Discontinuous Galerkin Iga For The Biharmonic Problem On Surfaces.
P. Azunre, S. Osei, S. Addo, L. A. Adu-Gyamfi, S. E. Moore, et al. (2021) Contextual Text Embeddings for Twi,
P. Azunre, S. Osei, S. Addo, L. A. Adu-Gyamfi, S. E. Moore, et al. (2021). English-Twi Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation,
P. Azunre, S. Osei, S. Addo, L. A. Adu-Gyamfi, S. E. Moore, et al. (2021). NLP for Ghanaian Languages,
J. Wang, D. I. Adelani, S. Agrawal, R. Rei,..., S. E. Moore et. al (2023) - AfriMTE and AfriCOMET: Empowering COMET to Embrace Under-resourced African Languages,
M. A. Pobbi, S. M. Naandam, S. E. Moore (2023) - Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Stochastic Malaria and COVID-19 Co-infection Model,
S. Nortey, M. A. Fellah, S. O. Akindeinde, S. E. Moore (2023) - Optimal Control for Fractional Order Dynamics of Tumor Growth,
M. A. Pobbi, S. E. Moore (2024) - Analysis of a Stochastic COVID-19 and Hepatitis B Coinfection Model with Brownian and Levy Noise,
S. E. Houénafa, E. K. Ronoh, O Johnson, SE Moore (2024). Lévy-induced Stochastic Differential Equation Models in Rainfall-Runoff Systems for Assessing Extreme Hydrological Event Risks,
S. Nortey, E. Akorly, M. Dadzie, S. E. Moore (2024). Public Health Interventions for Fractional Optimal Control of Buruli Ulcer.
T. Olatunji, C. Nimo, A. Owodunni,...,S. E. Moore, C. Fourie, M. N. Asiedu (2024). AfriMed-QA: A Pan-African, Multi-Specialty, Medical Question-Answering Benchmark Dataset
Other Articles
N. Egwu, E. R. Ijioma, S. E. Moore, R. Nyarko, H. A. Pedersen, J. Tomczyk and B. Uzor - Improving the Efficiency of Allergy Tests. ECMI Modeling Week Report, 2009.
C. Hofer, U. Langer, A. Mantzaflaris, S. E. Moore, M. Neumüller, I. Toulopoulos - Multipatch Discontinuous Galerkin Space and Space-Time IGA: Error Estimates and Fast Solvers (Oberwolfach, DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2016/8).
U. Langer, S. E. Moore, M. Neumüller and I. Toulopoulos, Space-Time Isogeometric Analysis of Parabolic Diffusion Problems (Oberwolfach, DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2017/15).
Thesis and Projects
Early Warning Systems to Acute Malaria Using Neural Network, KNUST, Ghana, 2007 (private message).
A Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Solving Total Variation Minimization Problems, JKU, Linz, Austria, 2011.
Nonstandard Discretization Strategies In Isogeometric Analysis for Partial Differential Equations, JKU, Linz, Austria, 2017.